Any parent who is in a position to home educate their kids is thrust into the unknown – unless they choose this way of educating their kids, of course! Home education is not the same as sending the kids to school, and parents who choose this route do so with the knowledge that they don’t want their kids to be learning the same things with the same people every single day. Instead, they know that they want versatility and diversity in their children’s education. It’s an exciting step to take, home educating the kids, but it doesn’t mean that it will be easy all the time.
There are so many new things out there making home education for kids much easier these days. For example, cloud based classroom management software for K-12 students makes remote learning easier than ever before. Below, we’ve put together a few tips that will make home education much easier for your family. So, whether you are doing it because of the pandemic, or you’re doing it because you simply want to help your kids to learn in another way, use these tips to help.
- Don’t follow a manual. One of the most important things to understand about home education is that there is no formal manual to follow. In a school, a teacher is trained to follow a curriculum to get kids tested. At home, you can choose the lessons your children learn and how they learn them. Don’t follow a formal manual for your children to learn at home. Instead, follow their lead and roughly follow age-appropriate class options.
- Respect yourself. As a parent, you’re a teacher from the moment your baby is born. As they get older, your ability to teach them doesn’t change. You need to respect the fact that you are more than capable of teaching your children no matter what the style is that you use.
- Keep your planning loose. Do you need pages and pages of lesson planning? Of course, you don’t! Lesson planning is more about what works for you as a family than anything else, so keep yourself flexible and make sure that you are keeping the learning in the house age-appropriate.
- Don’t teach all day long. It’s easy to blend your teaching and learning with your home life because you will spend so much time at home. The best thing that you can do is keep a timer and make sure that you teach within the time you set and no more. This will help you to keep a balance between studying and play!
- Make it fit. Learning isn’t linear. You can make it fit your family and it will work for your kids. Learning has to be fun, relevant and it has to make your kids want to learn. It’s so much easier to do it when you make the learning fit your family and not the other way around. Square pegs do not mould to round holes – so be round, too!