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We have collaborated with many wonderful high profile brands, companies and PR’s so would love to have the opportunity to partner with you too! I offer several different opportunities that you might be interested in. Whatever promotion you want we will create (excluding interpretive dance, we all have our limits!)
he Parenting Jungle began in May 2016, an unplanned creative consequence of bedrest and uncertainty what to do after binge watching every episode of Murder She Wrote when recovering from having a troublesome chest lump removed. TPJ took root and grew quickly into colourful, creative family, lifestyle and review blog. I still don’t understand HTML codes or the difference in the application of there and their. My bad.
My parenting journey has been an adventure into the unknown. Not what I had envisioned – is it for anyone? Jungles are wild, wonderful, and lonely. You can lose yourself. Risky pregnancies, birth trauma, PND, reflux, febrile convulsions, co-parenting, blended families, raising a child with SEND, surviving off three hours sleep a night and offering a sleep consultant my soul and all my shoes for their help…This jungle has fewer tigers. more toddlers. I also really like leaf prints. Perhaps the Parenting Zoo would have been a better fit but I am too tired to rebrand.
Finding my feet as an imperfect mother with terrible old man humour (and the same dress sense) ‘The Jungle’ offers a safe place of honesty and support for parents- whether experienced or first timers. I want to dispel that lingering grey thought that we are not ‘good enough.’ Trying to juggle too many of those ‘perfect balls is damaging for our mental health. ‘You can get through this, it’s OK if you are wearing yesterday’s pants’.
The blog is very much still following the ethos of The Parenting Jungle but like in life, it’s not just about my welly wearing offspring, it’s now about rediscovering me. Hence the wider written categories of Jade in The Jungle. Lost in the wider wilderness of life in phonics, endless piles of laundry, learning to correctly apply lipstick, dressing for a post-baby body and the dark ‘what the heck am I doing’ times of a thirty-something.
How to positively shared parent, separation anxiety, superhero references and a smidge of sarcasm still appear regularly.
These are my hopeful adventures in motherhood. Join me for the journey. We as parents need to stop beating ourselves…and other parents down. We are all lost in The Parenting Jungle for the next 18-25 years. Let’s face it we all have one child that we know will be living in the garden shed at 45.
How about you check out a couple of our most popular posts including, ‘Running The Other Mother’s Gauntlet’, or ‘Has Anyone Told You That You Are Too Old, Or Too Young To Be A Mum?’, or ‘How I was saved by the Midnight Mother’s club.’

– A thirty-something co-creator of The #Lionessmama Instagram community and a multi-award nominated parent blogger. Naively I believed that having degrees in Education and Social Work would mean I would have stable footing as a mother. A single parent for the first 4 years, instead I have stumbled by on the qualifications of being a try’er and a cope’er.
I like loose routines, coupons, outdoor playing, positive reinforcement, dragon breathing (when you are cross and breathe through your nose) and eating your kid’s leftovers. A photography enthusiast, I obsessed mustard yellow, am always trying to keep the house tidy. Yes, my whole pad is what my partner affectionately describes as battleship grey. Living in #Devon I put my feet in the sea as often as possible. My partner deals with passenger seat parenting remarkably well but is consequently balding from the stress of living with us. The Jungle Tarzan (If Tarzan retired and became a librarian and stepdad). He is elusive and mistrusting of social media.

The Jungle cub LEO is 4 ft. of cape-wearing hyperactivity. He is nine going on forty. The most feared word in my house is uh-oh, because I know that he broke something and it will be expensive to replace. Life is all about Pokemon cards and lovingly asking me when I die if he can have my mobile phone. We are starting down the challenging route of an Autism diagnosis to help us understand his world better. If other parents have school refusers then please reach out.

NORAH or ‘Rory’ is the newest member of the pack (born February 2018). Yes I left a gap, yes it was hardd going back to the newborn stage after 6 years. The curly haired little sleep thief loves Paw Patrol and screaming at strangers in Tesco. She is 2.5 though as tall as most 4 year olds so her nickname is second row. Rugby fans will get it.

TPJ is in the TOTS100 index of UK parenting blogs Top 500, has been featured on Kid Transit’s Top 10 Parent Blogs to Read This Summer 2016, The Baby Spot Top Mom Bloggers to Look Out For 2017 and Top Mom Bloggers of 2018, Credit Donkey’s Best Parenting Blogs 2017: Top Influential Views, The Nappy Bag Store Top Parenting Blogs 2017 and The Nappy Bag Store Top Parenting Bloggers 2019. We were shortlisted for The Mum and Working Awards 2016, nominated for the MADS 2016 and came runner up for the ‘New Mum Blogger’ 2016 search in Mother and Baby magazine in association with Palmer’s Cocoa Butter Formula.
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Love this! Very excited to see what is next.
Well done!
Ah Jade, I love it 🙂 two of my own and I can hear myself saying the same as you.. they have different opinions.. oh here comes the fight 🙂 Well done on this adventure