Most of us have our ideas of what a perfect home would look like for us. They may well differ from another person’s concept of the dream home in many ways, but for us, they’re something to aspire to – and something to imagine while we’re working to a point where it will hopefully be possible. For many of us, that dream home is perfect in every way, except for one tiny flaw: it doesn’t exist.
When you’re buying a house, you are likely to be shown around multiple options which could fit the bill, and you’ll make a decision from what’s on offer. However, unless you’re very lucky, you’re not likely to be shown around an absolutely perfect home, And considering the price you’re likely to find yourself paying, it makes sense that you should want it to be as close to the dream as possible. So when it comes to house-hunting, it’s a good idea to keep in mind a few things that can help you achieve the dream and make it reality.
Acknowledge the difference between a dream home and a fantasy
If you imagine yourself in a home where a robot butler brings you breakfast in bed, and the lift deposits you directly on a motorised walkway that takes you straight to your office door, that’s not so much a dream home as the title sequence for a futuristic cartoon. Your dream home should be achievable. It also, ideally, shouldn’t look like something from Selling Sunset or similar, where bespoke houses for millionaires and billionaires change hands for ludicrous prices. There are beautiful, luxurious homes that can be bought or created without the budget of a Hollywood mogul, so focus on what can really be achieved.
Consider whether you need to build that ideal home
There are essentially two options when it comes to finding that perfect home: on the one hand, you can find a home that’s close to your dream and renovate it to fit the brief. On the other, you could look for something like a house and land package and then instruct the builders on what you’re looking for. The latter is often a better bet, as renovating an existing house may well mean undoing what someone else has already done before you can start to put your mark on it. A lot depends on how much work you can put in yourself – some people can turn a fixer-upper into a dream home because they are able to avoid too many additional costs by sourcing materials and rolling their sleeves up.
Be aware that your dreams may change
Your dream home right now probably won’t seem like so much of a dream in 20 years’ time. And that’s fine, because people move house, often many times across a lifetime. You shouldn’t compromise on the things you really want (except where budget dictates that you must), but do be aware that you’re going to want different things at another stage in your life. The good news is that you’re going to learn a lot in the creation of this dream home that will translate to your 2040 project – or, if things go really well, that second home that you buy when you have a bit more disposable income to play with!
Achieving your dream home will take hard work, money and an ability to make dreams work on the plane of reality. Don’t mistake that for an assertion that it can’t be achieved: it can, and if you enter the project with open eyes, you’ll learn some valuable lessons.