‘Blog: short for weblog. My new addiction. Opinionated, ranting, often incoherent.’
The internet is a wonderful and zany place.
I started blogging for myself. For enjoyment. It is therapeutic and I get to indulge my long slumbering creative side. I have also found it touches my heart that people give a crap. That they like what I say and the clumsy, attemptingly witty way in which I say it.
I have also found blogging is like parenting in the way it can give you conflicting feelings.
Being a mum to me is like sunshine, warm and all consuming. I love being a parent and yet the experience is coloured with feelings of being not ‘good enough’. A bit s**t. Like I am trekking Everest without a Sherpa or shoes.
Similarly, this week I have had my first taste of blogger guilt…sometimes these thoughts just creep up on us. I want to be more social, to read more blogs, comment more, join more Linky’s and get my Twitter on. Do you want to check out our favourite Instagram #’s. I was so luckily to stumble into a tribe of women who are so generous with their time, advice and kindness. The ideals and passion in the group are amazing and motivating. I want to support them and give as much back as they give me but I work and have a child which does rather upset my relationship with WordPress.
I also have a partner that doesn’t always appreciate me tap tapping away on my laptop during the 18 minutes each day we have together.
Like many parents I juggle a lot of balls.
Some days I also just don’t have the words, some days I am totally exhausted, some days I just don’t have the time. Enter blog guilt.
I also don’t know if my life is interesting enough to post daily and thinking about blog topics gives me brain stitch. The blogging prowess of pro-bloggers is staggering and comparing my grammatically sketchy musings with theirs makes me feel like the awkward, bespeckled girl at school again. This I know is utter lunacy as I am new and other bloggers have put in so much sweat, font and tears. They are also ridiculously lovely people. Like Christmas lovely and always willing to graciously answer questions and share knowledge.
Whilst I do not ‘need’ the Twitterverse and blogging in my life, I do like it. In fact I would even tentatively say that I love it. Quietly, like saying it to your boyfriend on a second date when you barely even know them. I love reading other people’s posts, I love being reduced to high pitched chortles at Tweets and admire the confidence of other bloggers that share their inner most thoughts and feelings.
Blogs are a privilege to read. I find it is sometimes like reaching out and holding someone’s hand. The blogger community makes me feel more content and reassured as a mummy, less alone. Why not check out our top 5 Linkies to join and discover new bloggers?
Blogosphere – presumably this has its own weather system?
What about blog guilt?
I always tell myself there is no such thing as a perfect parent and must consider that there is also no such thing as a perfect blogger. So I apologise that whilst I am finding my feet I may be sometimes quiet and not yet consistent. I will endeavour to retweet, to give shout outs, to figure out hashtags, to share content and create worthy content of my own.
The responsibility of feeling bad is my own. Do you have a blog niche, or not?
I will be kinder to myself, embrace my limits. I don’t have to be great at everything. No one is.
Blogging break?
If you are finding you are overwhelmed, or underwhelmed by blogging. Suffering from blog guilt? Take a break from your online stream of consciousness. Blogging can take over your life a bit. Have a coffee in the sun. Or a bottle of wine. Recenter. If it is your job, read our article on why I think it is the hardest one I have had and how the negative attitudes of other people can affect you.
Remember why you started the blog in the first place.
Lovely post it’s nice to see that I am not on my own. I always feel so guilty when I don’t post as much as other people it makes me feel crap but at the same time I don’t want to blog for the sake of having something to post everyday because I like to blog when I feel inspired. I will try not to feel too guilty.
[…] Why Blogging Makes me Feel Bad. Blog Guilt | The Parenting Jungle. We can all get caught up in what we do on a daily basis, one blogger occasionally feels guilty for being a parent blogger and calls us to take a break occasionally. […]
I absolutely love this post and something I really relate to. I often get caught up in not feeling good enough in the blog world. There’s so many things I could be doing to improve but I’m also busy enjoying my baby.
I think balance is so good to find lovely and of course baby is most important xxx
I really relate to this. Enjoying blogging but trying to balance it with the rest of life, to keep up with the blogging etiquette, and to actually write stuff people want to read. I had no idea how cool and supportive the blog community was before I started. Great post.
Its all a big juggling act but you just need to do what you want and don’t compare yourself to anyone..it makes you feel crappy…the moment you stop enjoying it and feel overwhelmed take a couple day break and go back to it kinder to yourself 🙂 x
So relatable! Give yourself grace and it will fall into place… At least that’s what I tell myself 🙂
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I completely relate to your post. It reminded me funnily enough of when I wrote a diary as a teenager, and though no one saw it, I HOPE, I would feel bad about missing out entries and being too busy/tired to fill in the gaps. This last year I’ve been ‘offblog’ for months as OH had major heart surgery and so struggled to cope on a practical level let alone have anything creative left at the end of a very long day. It’s easy to compare with others and I see bloggers who have more children/ better job s/ fancier holidays etc etc and STILL post more than me. Have to remind myself that we are all different and don’t know other people’s circumstances either. Just be yourself, you have a unique voice and most of all you are honest. Not enough of that around online. Good luck ! Jo x
Don’t worry, you’re not alone in your blogger guilt ? We all feel it, sometimes more sometimes less, but it’s always there. The other side of this blogger guilt is ever-present too: feeling like you’re ‘wasting’ time online when you could be spending more quality time with your family ?
Indeed I have tried to only blog when my son is asleep or work lunch breaks, or on the bus so my son doesn’t see me always taptaptaping away. There is no hiding from a 5 year old. I have had a few weeks doing less and have made my piece with it..balance is important if hard to find!xx
Thank you for saying what I’ve been thinking. With a full-time job and two small children I also feel quite ‘time poor’ and am constantly in awe of fellow bloggers who manage to post and interact so frequently. I guess I just have to come to terms with doing what I can; otherwise it will become a chore.
Definitely if one week I can only post once then that’s an achievement not a cause to berate myself..hats of to you for being a working mummy with two little ones..I am run ragged with one 🙂 x
Just came across your blog and I am loving it. Love your style of writing too… (not clumsy at all love!):)
Go ahead and keep blogging… no matter how often or about what. It makes you happy and makes a wonderful read!
Thank you so much for such a wonderful comment. I am a waffler so blogging is well fitted. We hope you will stop by again!x
Ofcourse I will:)
You know I’ve been logging over over a year and still feel the same. I don’t so half the things I want to do on my blog because of the lack of time and knowledge. Good luck and I’m sure you will find your feet soon. No need for blogger guilt 🙂
what a coincidence! I was just telling the hubby right now similar things to these ones and how even if I didn’t get too many comments, followers or brand collaborations I was still really starting to love the blogging community and all that entitles. Loved all the posts I’ve read from you so far, and to be honest, it doesn’t matter if you can’t post daily, it’s not like US parents, have all the time in the world to read anyway! x
Haha definately not..I blog in the bath or on the bus or when it is waaay past bedtime!x
This is a great post and a reflection of many of the things I struggle with myself. I try to comment on as many posts as I can when I join up with linkys, but I’m not consistent and it’s frustrates me. This week I have been particularly remiss! Is it an awful thing to say that I’m glad it’s not just me? #KCACOLS
No its not I have been unwell and not linked up or commented as much and feel terrible, I think we are all trying to achieve blogger perfection but lord knows what that is. I say we are all doing a grand job, it is such a supportive community 🙂 x
I just stumbled across this on your Facebook page, and so glad I did. I’ve been feeling the same this week – I’ve only been blogging for just over a month so still very new, but I feel I should be posting every day so people will come and read my posts…a bit like a very small fish at the mo. And then when I read other people’s blogs, like yours, everyone else’s writing seems so much more eloquent! But I think you’re amazing to juggle so much, and I love reading your blog xxx
Love this post and I can really relate too! It is so hard to find time to do it all. Too many times I have late nights because I have a deadline the next morning. It is very hard to be a blogger if you want to do it as job. I struggle to publish every day. I can’t. I manage about 4 a week when I’m in a good week but I have never been able to do 7 posts a week. I’m constantly feeling swamped and stressed. I need more hours per day!! But at the same time, I love it. Blogging is my passion and I’m obsessed with it. I think that is the only reason why I keep doing this. I feel a pleasure every time that someone reads my posts. It is very exciting! Your blog is lovely and you are doing great! Just follow your heart! Thanks so much for sharing this at #KCACOLS. I’m so happy to have you this week. I would love to see you again on Sunday, 🙂 xx
It is an amazing linky, you explained my feelings about blogging so perfectly, I love it but it is pretty consuming! 4 is still an amazing achievement, I am managing 2 as I am still trying to tweet wordpress and sort social media, Like parenting it is juggling lots of balls! Thank you for a wonderful comment cc
I know it’s your thoughts and feelings, but don’t feel guilty! I take my hat off to bloggers like you! Juggling 101 things at a time and still managing to support others!
Even the pros that do it for the job have those days, and I guess that as it is their job, and not a hobby they know they just have to power on. When blogging is a hobby, you should never feel pressurised to join in, comment or post frequently.
Big love and hugs to you! You are amazing! Xxx
Likewise lovely lady, you are an inspirational blogger! Thank you for the kind comment xx
I often wonder how everyone else finds the time to juggle blogging, home life and work. The reality is that most of us are as stretched as each other. Yes, there are a few super bloggers out there that do crack out whole blog posts in an hour but they are few and far between. I think the key is to find your balance, do things at a pace that suits you and enjoy it. If you don’t, you’ll stop and maybe even regret it later on. Good luck finding your balance…and wish me luck with that too 😉 #kcacols
Ah thank you lovely, I have pulled back from it a bit this week, mainly as I am super busy at work and shattered in the evening, I think I need to not get sucked in as it is addictive and enjoyable! If you find what the balance is let me know 🙂 xx
Loved this! We are all parents and have to juggle a million things, but in my view if you feel guilty then you care! Only guilty people care lovely! You’re amazing and if you keep writing like this, from the heart, then i swear you will have many more avid readers like me! #KCACOLS
Oh I almost got emotional, that is such a lovely compliment. I am a rather clumsy writer in accounting my feelings but I give it a go and people are so lovely and receptive in return. Makes you feel like you are sharing in a safe place!xxx
That’s a brilliant post lovey, you do write in such an engaging way. I totally relate and have mega blogging guilt and don’t get to do half as much as I would like but it comes down to time. I simply do it have the time. With two under two time to myself is sparse at the best of times and like you I don’t like to/can’t do it when I am with the kiddies…which is all the time. But we all do our best and that’s all we can do, for what it’s worth I think you are doing a fab job xxx #KCACOLS
Likewise! I cannot imagine having two that young..I think I would never get out of my pjs..you are totally inspiring!I cant bring myself to consider a second yet..think I have left it rather a long time…maybe buy a puppy instead!xx
I completely get this! I sometimes feel like I shouldn’t post my blog as it is nowhere near as good as many, but I like it and I love writing it.
One of my aims is to read more blogs, comment more and try to talk to new people.
Wonderful post Jade that a lot of people can relate too. I often feel like this and I’m pretty sure a lot of bloggers feel the same even pro-bloggers. I wish that there were more hours in the day or the little one would nap longer so that I could focud on my blog. The tribe is lovely and supportive, sometimes the messages are overwhelming in quantity at time, but it great to know that we are not alone. Claire X #KCACOLS
Thank you for your lovely comment honey, I am still so new the balance between blogging and world is hard to grasp and I always seem to have a massive to do list I need to wind back and enjoy reading and knowing that I have a lovely supportive group of women to chat to..I think thats the epitome of blogging sucess xx
I know the feeling. I feel like I’m letting my blog down when I don’t post, but sometimes the kids need to be fed and loosely supervised. It’s like an addiction isn’t it!
Haha I just belly laughed at loosely supervised…I got to my sons school 15 mins early the other day just so I would have a quiet couple of minutes between work and mummy mode to have a blog fix..definatley addictive!xx
Great post and I completely relate to this. I wrote one very similar a couple of weeks back, about how blogging can very easily take over your life and we need to find the right balance. #KCACOLS
Thank you for your comment 🙂 I would love to have a read of your post! as a newbie I have spent this weekend actively not blogging as I kind of feel drawn in and feel like I am not doing enough..though I am not sure what enough is. It is definatley addictive! x
It’s called “Why do I blog?” and it’s over on my blog site if you have a spare moment. I think it’s reassuring that we can all relate to this, that all of us are struggling to juggle everything and that ultimately something has to give. One day when the kids are grown and our blogs are making money we can dedicate all of our time to them! Xx
I’m very much like this too! My husband wants me to enjoy it but then will moan that I always seem to have my head in the computer, I have to do it in the evening though as I also work and feel bad if I do it with the kids hanging off my leg x #kcacols
Its so good to know people feel the same. I am stil lvery new to blogging so am juggling with the balance. I want to get more organised and read more as I love people’s posts but there is totally not enough time in the day. Thank you for your lovely comment!x
I am exactly the same lovely it can be so frustrating, I’m just treading water with blog and social media – I see other new blogs doing amazing (it’s so hard not to compare) and I want to be like them but I simply don’t have the time. Lovely post and chin up we will get there in the end! X
Ah your kind comments make me feel so much better. We will do what we can and enjoy it much more!xxx
You have basically summed up, far more eloquently, exactly how I feel about blogging! I am absolutely in awe of the people who go out to work, look after their kids, have a relationship AND have an amazing, successful blog. I don’t even have a job but I struggle to do two posts a week most of the time! But just know that your blog is awesome and your writing is amazing, so don’t feel guilty about anything. #BloggerClubUK
Ahh thank you darling, it is worth all the blog worry just to be able to chat with other parents and have their support 🙂 I also cannot imagine how the pros do it..coffee??…xx
Great post & totally get it. Like you I work, have a 4 & 7 year old & a hubby who rolls his eyes & puts on sport when we sit down after the kiddies are in bed & I get the iPad out. I’m also new too & want to really take part, the blogging world is like a shiny new toy to me & I want to play with it all the time, but life gets in the way. I look forward to reading more of your posts.
Thank you for your comment, we can be new together! I think unless you are a pro feeling as though you have enough time to blog is not common! The responses to this post have given me loads of reassurance, we do are best and get the phone out when the other half is asleep lol x
Love this post and can totally relate. I’ve been blogging on and off for 2/3 years and yet I still struggle to find the consistency and the time. Like parenting it never goes away, but is super rewarding and great fun 🙂 Emily
Well written and I know exactly how you feel, especially on the days when I do find a bit more time to tweet and blog and my numbers soar (it’s almost an addiction!) but other days there is just no time and my partner doesn’t appreciate me staring goggle eyed at some device or another 🙂 Great post, I think most mum bloggers out there can relate.
Thank you honey, haha I don’t think my numbers ever soar but I like to feel involved…I feel like most of the time I am just dipping my foot in instead of swimming!But I think that is the reality of blogging from everyones feedback, we are all in it together 🙂 x
Oh I wish I had written this! It’s exactly how I feel when you lovely tribesters are chatting away all day and I’m trying to catch dribble out the Robots nose while maintaining a resemblance of normal! I can never keep up so I remain silent! You are doing a fab job, there is no need to worry x
Fantastic blog…makes me feel normal. So glad I’m not the only one. Thank You.
Sam x
My lovely friend… I am so glad that you stumbled upon the tribe. It would not be the same without you. It doesn’t matter how much or little you tweet message read comment posted or reply … the important thing is that you do when you can. So put that guilt back in its box and relax. Lovely post xxx
You help me through so much, I am so grateful for you 🙂 I am determined to get my blog on lol and be a bit more productive, always so impressed by how productive and awesome you are xx
I love this and can totally relate. The only professional part of my blogging is the inconsistency. I’ve yet to do it whilst I’ve known you, but I can guarantee I will disappear for weeks at a time, a number of times in the not too distant future. It can be tricky finding a balance that works with life priorities.
Hehe then we shall be professionals together my lovely! I just feel like I should be doing lots more blog stuff daily but then I am not superwoman, I do my best and love what I read! So thankful I have you fab gang for support xxxx
Great post and now I feel more guilty than ever!! Blog every day? I’m lucky if I can manage a weekly post – and that’s without the demands of a four-year-old and a regular job! (My tween and teen still make demands on my attention, however, and I’m not very good at ‘juggling’ – my brain can only be in one place at a tine.) So thank you for sharing this and fear not – you are not alone. ?
No feeling guilty! I have got into a post once a week maybe twice schedule and its not even on the same day…horrified gasp…juggling work and little man I would love to give more to blogging but the only way I could do that is not sleep!!x