Home Blogging Tips Five Places You Will Blog #Blogspots #Pbloggers

Where do you blog?

1)  The bathroom oddly enough is my social media headquarters.

Though I don’t have a fluffy white cat to stroke. Good thing for the cat. I sit in that tiled room of blissful silence, perched on the loo (seat down) and have a quick scroll through Twitter. Approximately I get about four minutes before little hands tap on the door, ‘MUUUUMY are you pooing again?’ My son believes I have bowel problems. Nope, I just have no peace and quiet problems. Harassment problems. Five year old problems. The bath is a good place for reading, though the opportunity is a rare thing. It is risky practice, no one wants a submerged I Phone. I have to wait till the boy is doing his little snuffle-snore or he will wake up and try and climb in the tub in his Spiderman onesie.

Note: You have to put a towel by the bath as every half hour your screen gets too steamy to focus and you may end up Tweeting #hgfgsgjsfh. Be careful NOT to take a selfie.

2) The car. When it is stationary.

Sitting outside the school I have twenty fabulous ME minutes where I can listen to bad eighties pop music, curl up in my seat and laugh hysterically at GIF’s and catch up on articles. The ladies in school reception now think I am a crazy person. Yesterday I found half open Haribo in the booster seat pocket and ate them. I didn’t feel guilty and thought I had got away with it until my son pointed out that I was wearing a gummy ring and promptly tried to munch it off my finger.

3) In bed, too late at night.

Parents get so little free time we try and max it out when we do. Ideally I would like to go to bed at half eight every night. ROCK AND ROLL. Put on my pyjama’s and haul my haggard self-up the wooden hill. But I don’t, my partner and I are determined to watch a program, hold and least a two minute conversation without one of us yawning and appreciate not being climbed on or winged at for as many hours as we can stay awake. I then, gritty eyed, try and grab some ever decreasing writing time. Cue 11pm, my prime commenting time.

4) In queues.

I HATE QUEUES. I have limited patience, am too busy for queues (I almost typed ‘too busty’ then..sadly that is not the case)they make me huff, queues not my bust. So now I ensure my queuing time is valuable, I get my social media on and take a step forward. This can be tricky if you get to involved and the lady behind you hits you with her basket in the back of the knee because the cashier is calling you. Yes I am frowning at you basket lady.

5) Anywhere I bloody can!

In the kitchen half way through cooking dinner. My phone sometimes gets a tad sticky. On public transport with the person next to me reading over my shoulder. When my son’s in gym class, in my half hour lunch break at work, hiding in the cupboard when my son has a playdate. On the trampoline.

Five random places I have blogged or attempted to tweet are:


  • On the back of a horse in Iceland. I need to buy phone insurance.
  • From in the middle of a ball pit.
  • Sitting on my friend’s window in Wimbledon trying to get signal for a deadline.
  • At the dentist. Difficult to type with someone’s finger in your mouth.
  • Literally on the toilet mid tinkle…You can judge, I deserve it

I have also attempted to take a picture half way through one of Leo’s uber tantrums to use as a talking point for him later that I totally would have also put on a tweet entitled, ‘when your son is a mini dictator’. Sadly as soon as I told him I was going to take a photo he did a swift personality switch, gave a big sniff and said in a very upper class English manner, ‘no thank you’ and wandered off as I stood there completely bemused.

I would love to hear your ‘odd blog spots’ and social media dedicated times and places. I could use some inspiration and ingenuity…you have to have a better option than the toilet.

If you liked this post check out: Why blogging makes me feel bad. Blog guilt.

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maryfoster11 4th July 2016 - 7:01 pm

This made me smile. I have not been blogging long, but i think once you have caught the blogging itch then that is it! Hubby has caught me blogging in the bath when I was meant to be,’relaxing.’ I argued that this was my way of relaxing and please leave me in peace!

theparentingjungle 6th July 2016 - 10:43 am

Haha I have had the same…I just pulled a guilty face..he tutted and then backed out….just don’t drop your phone!xx

lduff18 2nd June 2016 - 8:33 pm

Love this post! I’m a sofa and bed blogger… I need to be able to concentrate but generally have to wait for the little one to be up in bed otherwise I have to deal with a tantrum haha 😀

Mel 27th May 2016 - 2:05 pm

I’m mainly a bedroom or sofa blogger and surfer but the toilet sees some time and also the kitchen in between making bottles or meals.

theparentingjungle 28th May 2016 - 11:58 am

Haha I had my laptop in the kitchen yesterday…it still has tomato splatters!x

Silly Mummy 27th May 2016 - 1:25 am

Haha! I don’t really have any odd spots, only odd times! I’d try the bathroom, but wifi’s a bit patchy there! #fridayfrolics

Ruth Jayne 25th May 2016 - 2:34 pm

Aww, I feel so dull by comparison. I’m a living room floor blogger but the bathroom seems like the place to be by the looks of it!

theparentingjungle 26th May 2016 - 11:02 am

Living room floor is a classier place to blog..:) xx

thehippychristianmum 25th May 2016 - 7:56 am

Haha love this. I’m too busty for queues you reckon they’d let me jump to the front if I got it printed on t-shirt? ;-D I found this post through #TheList

theparentingjungle 25th May 2016 - 11:11 am

Yup totally would 😉 xxx

toddlerworld123 24th May 2016 - 1:04 am

Such a great post! I have literally blogged in all of those places TODAY hahaha Spot on!

elituesbay 23rd May 2016 - 6:41 pm

completely relate to all spots, and now that I’m breastfeeding again that is for me the perfect time to scroll down my social media. perfect until baby is fed up with me cause I’m not looking at him.. (eye contact is important) 😉 so I should probably write a post of “breastfeeding spots” and that will be my “blog spots” haha xx

theparentingjungle 23rd May 2016 - 6:46 pm

Haha link up when you do I think that sounds like an amazing post!x

Life Love and Dirty Dishes 22nd May 2016 - 7:35 pm

Sometimes I actually treat myself and take myself off to a local cafe and work in there with actual hot tea on tap! Thanks for linking up to #FridayFrolics

theparentingjungle 23rd May 2016 - 5:04 pm

This is a novelty that I am going to have to try, I looked at Costa longingly the other day and pined..xx

Mrs Tubbs 22nd May 2016 - 7:30 pm

Now I feel very boring as I have never blogged anywhere weird! Some of these are excellent, although the car is a bit of a worry …

theparentingjungle 23rd May 2016 - 5:01 pm

Haha its always a car that is parked I promise! Rule one engine must be off for blogging..x

BloggerMummyLauren 22nd May 2016 - 8:50 am

Haha yes! Love this! I’m a regular bathroom tweeter, it’s the only time I get peace and quiet when the kids are home!

theparentingjungle 23rd May 2016 - 4:59 pm

Its so funny my son has taken to following me at the moment…thwarted……might have to start getting in a cupboard! xx

Nicole 20th May 2016 - 7:36 pm

Love this post. Can absolutely relate. The bathroom has to be the official blog/twitter HQ for mums, with the toilet being the throne. The shrine. Of peace, quiet and creativity.

theparentingjungle 22nd May 2016 - 8:41 am

Haha much more of a beautifully descriptive way of saying it than me! I love the bathroom and its door lock. xx

reimerandruby 20th May 2016 - 6:26 pm

Bathroom is one of my favorite place too and almost everywhere when I noticed myself being idle. That’s how flexible we bloggers are I think. Lovely post! #TheList

theparentingjungle 22nd May 2016 - 8:35 am

Thank you for such a lovely comment, I think bloggers should be sponsored my Mr Muscle and other bathroom related products…what a lovely office we have 😉 x

Katie M Little 20th May 2016 - 5:59 pm

Yep, I took the laptop with me into the loo for a wee just last week and thought… wow, I’ve really lost it now!

theparentingjungle 22nd May 2016 - 8:34 am

Haha if you have lost it you are in good company 🙂 x

Annette 20th May 2016 - 2:40 pm

🙂 I do the bathroom one too… it’s the only place to escape for a few minutes. #fridayfrolics

theparentingjungle 20th May 2016 - 4:23 pm

I may try and move to a house with two bathrooms just to maximise my peace and quiet time…extreme house hunting xx

jo sandelson (@heirraising) 20th May 2016 - 12:57 pm

Did you really blog at the dentist?! A real insider’s perspective … I almost blogged in the back of the ambulance on the way to A&E but decided it might interfere with the signal trying to keep DH alive. Have also blogged in bed next to sleeping person.

theparentingjungle 20th May 2016 - 4:22 pm

I tweeted a pic, technically it was t show my son what happens in the dentist chair as he wont come in but it was too funny a moment to share. Sleeping person is stealthy, if I try and sneak a look at my phone in bed my partner eyes clothes makes a tutting sound…

rightroyalmother 20th May 2016 - 12:02 pm

Oh brilliant. This week I have tried from a pool bar, inside a Mark Warner childcare centre and whilst holding a potty (pointlessly, while NG weed on the sand). These are some of my more glamorous places and next week it will be back again to mid-push on the swings, whilst holding a dog lead and pushing a buggy. Go you for the 20 minutes peace – I live in hope! #fridayfrolics

theparentingjungle 20th May 2016 - 4:20 pm

I love the mid push on the swing, scroll push scroll push scroll push tweet. You get masterful points for dog and multiple children I can just survive one! x

islandliving365 20th May 2016 - 11:16 am

Oh I love how you forgot about the haribo ring and got BUSTED as a result. Like you the bathroom is a personal fave. I also tried to blog from a troll car last week and whilst up a glacier. I think you should do an official survey to find the craziest places people blog from 😉 #fridayfrolics

theparentingjungle 20th May 2016 - 4:13 pm

Haha we are all bathroom bloggers. Its the only door with a lock! Up a glacier…total win! x


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